Coverage of City Plan (0)
Brighton & Hove boundary (2)
Built Up Area boundary (amended) (3)
Strategic Allocations (4)
unique_DA_boundaries (5)
SDNP City limits (6)
Archaeologically Sensitive Areas (ASA) - HE12 (8)
Indicative DA boundary - DA8 (9)
Proposed Local Nature Reserve (LNR) - NC3 (10)
Urban Fringe (11)
LNR declared (Local Nature Reserve) (12)
| Declared Local Nature Reserve (LNR) - NC3 |
Scheduled Ancient Monuments (SAM) - HE12 (13)
Sites of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCI) - NC4 (14)
Character Areas indicative - DA8 (15)
Retail Proposals - SR9 (16)
Hotel Core Zone CP6 (17)
Recreation - SR22, SR25, SR26 (18)
Community Facilities - HO23, HO25 (19)
Regional Shopping Centre - SR4 & CP4 (20)
Historic Parks and Gardens - HE11 (21)
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) - NC2 (22)
Seafront Area SA1 (23)
SA3_boundary (24)
Conservation areas - HE6, HE8, HE9 (25)
SA2_Central_Brighton (27)
Protected Employment site - CP3(1) (28)
Protected Employment - led (residential & employment) mixed use site - CP3(4) (29)
National Nature Reserve - NC2 (30)
Material Recovery Facilities TR14, SR26 (31)
Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) (32)
Nature Improvement Area - CP10 (33)
National Flood Zone 2 - CP11 (34)
Key employment site (35)
Protected Employment site - CP3(3) (36)
National Flood Zone 3 - CP11 (37)
Identified Housing sites - HO1 (38)
All Open Space Areas - CP16 (39)
Prime Retail Frontage - SR4 or SR5 & CP4 (40)
Outside Prime Retail Frontage - SR4 or SR5 & CP4 (41)
Local Shopping Centres - SR6 & CP4 (42)
Regionally Important Geological Sites (RIGS) - NC4 (43)